

Global Stability & Support: Counter Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED)

Training: C-IED Training, UXO IED & Landmine Awareness Training, Humanitarian Peace Support Training, DOS-Civil Military Operations Logistics & Procurement: Oversight Pricing, Ordering & Delivering of Supplies & Equipment, Supply Chain Management, Cost Control

RELYANT delivered training and training support services, as well as procurement and delivery of required equipment and materials. This effort advanced Chadian military capabilities to safely identify, avoid, and report IEDs so they can be rendered safe to protect citizens, assets, and territories. This task order was coordinated with the Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership (TSCTP) and the U.S. Embassy Office of Security Cooperation (OSC). The delivery of high-quality equipment and effective training services provided DOS with a low-risk solution. RELYANT relied on unique experiences and exposure to IED threat mitigation in asymmetric working environments to complete this mission to the total satisfaction of the client.